Then Joseph had another dream, and he told it to his brothers: “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me." Genesis 37:9 Much of what we dream as we sleep results from our daily routine, thoughts and worries. But d reams can also be another form of heavenly language. Dreams prepare our hearts to things that will come to pass in our future. The bible is full of examples of people who were told about future situations through dreams as they slept. Joseph, one of the sons of Jacob, at the age of 17 started having some dreams. The content of all those dreams were basically that he was in a position of authority- even over his own family. That was definitely something not reasonable to think of or likely to happen considering that he was the youngest in the family. Joseph became hated by his brothers and was called a "dreamer". But his dreams came from God and God doesn´t kn...