Being transformed as we see Jesus

"Therefore in anyone is in Christ, 
he is a new creature: 
old things are passed away; 
behold, all things are become new" 
2 Cor 5 :17

Most of people have a list of new year´s resolutions but changes in our lives do not come out of our own decision and effort to make things different. Changes in our life come from the TRANSFORMATION that happens within which is only possible through FAITH IN JESUS who is ABLE to change things we can´t.

Things around us start to change when we begin to SEE things in a different perspective. 

"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light" Matthew 6:22

This goes beyond thinking positive. It is thinking and seeing things the way JESUS thinks and sees them. Jesus himself did that! He once said "I speak that which I have seen with my Father" (John 8:38). 

As we spend time with Jesus, reading His Word, speaking to Him throughout the day, etc... simply being AWARE of His presence with US (He is EMMANUEL : God with us), we will become more like him. We will begin to see things his ways and fear and anxiety will have to leave our lives for He is the PRINCE OF PEACE. Many have experienced changes by spending time with a friend. We begin to have similar behavior and even vocabulary!.. Imagine what will happen in our life (character, behavior, emotions) if we spend time with GOD!..

Just know that Jesus has granted us by his sacrifice and ressurrection not only a NEW YEAR, but A WHOLE NEW LIFE in Him because WE ARE MADE NEW IN HIM and we should live our days out of THIS PLACE of NEWNESS. It is not doing things differently that will grant us a NEW YEAR, but BELIEVING things differenly and being TRANSFORMED by the invasion of the REALITY OF HEAVENLY REALM AND PERSPECTIVE in our hearts!





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