Turning your day upside down!

"This is the day which the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalm 118:24 Some days we wake up kind of mad with the world for no reason... what we don´t realize is that this is NOT NORMAL and it is NOT supposed to be like that! What we don´t realize most of time is that there is a spiritual world surrounding us 100% of the time and it is what really influences our days because -first of all- we are spiritual beings. The GOOD NEWS is that we do not have to be bound to this bad atmosphere that is causing this turmoil within us, but the Lord has given us DEVICES in order to CHANGE things around us! One of this weapons is SINGING, WORSHIPING, PRAISING JESUS for the GOOD DAY THAT HE HAS MADE! God makes no "bad day". Therefore, if we happen to wake up in a bad mood, we don´t need to end the day the same way it started! "Verily I say unto you, what things soever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; a...