Kindness changes everything!

"Or do you despise the riches of 
His kindness and tolerance and patience,
 not knowing that the kindness of God 
leads you to repentance?"
 Rom 2:4

There is a widely spread thought that says that if we don´t decide to get to God through love, we will get to Him through pain! And most of time, those who quote this mean that God will make a way to bring us close to Him, even times of suffering through losses or diseases. But that is not even close to the true message of the GOSPEL!

It is funny because the word GOSPEL  means GOOD NEWS. I doubt anyone would say that getting sick, suffering, losing a dear one is GOOD NEWS! God´s nature is LOVE, GOODNESS, KINDNESS, TOLANCE AND PATIENCE. But, as Paul says in Romans 2:4, most of time people despise, think lightly of God´s goodness and INTELIGENCE and WISDOM!... It is not smart to try to bring people closer to you by causing them to SUFFER!... For example, let´s say that you did something bad to me... and the next time you see me, I treat you bad, say bad things to you, etc. What´s the chance that you will willingfully DESIRE to be friends with me? Not big! But let´s say that even after being offended by you, I treat you kindly time and again... won´t you -probably- CHANGE YOUR MIND about me and even desire to be friends with me? 

That is exactly what the scripture above means! God will never use bad things to draw us close to Him... the greek word  for repentance is metanoia ,meaning a CHANGE OF MIND. NO ONE will change their mind about God and desire to experience MORE of Him when they THINK they are being HIT by His wrath. All wrath of God because of sin was released when Jesus came and was fully consumed it through his DEATH ON THE CROSS, for "the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life in JESUS CHRIST, our Lord" (Rom 6:23). 

What God offers us now is HIS LOVE AND KINDNESS. All sin was judged and punished on the cross and because Jesus paid ALL THE PRICE that the LAW required, death could not HOLD HIM, for He had no sin, therefore He is RISEN and is ALIVE and desires that we may experience THE ABUNDANCE OF LIFE that He has conquered for us! 

God knows that it is NOT EASY to live in this world. Therefore He wants us to starts SEEING his GOODNESS! When we ACKNOWLEDGE that ALL good comes from Him, OUR NATURAL response will be: I WANT MORE OF GOD! And as we receive more OF HIS VERY ESSENCE in our hearts, all this will OVERFLOW from within us and will reach EVERYONE AROUND US, for "we love because HE FIRST LOVED US" (1 John 4:19)

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" 
Mark Twain. 





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