Born to be FREE INDEED!
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free..."
Galatians 5:1
Many things in this world are meant to bind us to them. Once I heard this christian guy say that when he was in college his professor once tried to mock him because of his faith in Jesus. His professor said that christians were robbots that were not free to do anything. The christian student replied "you smoke, right? ... well, I don´t. I´ve chosen not to. But, for example, if I WANTED TO I could start smoking, thought I CHOOSE not to. But what about you? If you -wanted to-, could you -easily- QUIT smoking today? So who is the one who is ACTUALLY FREE between the two of us?"
This story illustrates how that the devil will cause people to be bound to habits, diseases, mental conditions (depression, OCD, etc) - things that most of time do not depend on our sole will to get rid of them.
But THE GOOD NEWS is: we are not fated to live bound by all these conditions... JESUS´ BLOOD HAS GRANT US FREEDOM, for "whom the Son sets free, is FREE INDEED" (John 8:36).
This is THE NEW CONDITION of every one who puts their trust in JESUS and do not trust their will-power or self efforts in order to be FREE! Jesus alone is our WAY to FREEDOM. He said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE" (John 14:6) ... He also said "and you shall KNOW the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall MAKE you FREE" (John 8:32)
This is not a promise to be lived for ONE DAY or TWO and then catch ourselves in failure again... it is a word GIVEN TO US BY GOD HIMSELF, therefore, it is meant to be a REALITY EVERY SINGLE DAY OF OUR LIVES! His desire is to see us living a life of freedom and happiness in JESUS and through JESUS - that is why He has given us L-I-F-E!
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