Denying yourself... what does it really mean?
"If any man will come after me, let him deny himself..." Luke 9:23 I don´t know about you, but I have never been much fond of the scripture above. Denying myself never sounded so appealing to me - until I found out what Jesus REALLY meant by saying this! I used to think that DENYING MYSELF meant: to ignore, to reject my will, my desires, the bad thoughts... but how many of us know that IGNORING things doesn´t cause us to OVERCOME them? The act of simply denying A FACT doesn´t make it disappear before our eyes - unfortunately! :D I used to be the type of a Christian that would do EVERYTHING possible to get closer to God and to show Him -my- love for him. I was really confident in - my actions and attitude- towards Him. And that was the point when I learned what denying myself really meant!... The whole time my focus was on ME, MY ATTITUDES, MY DEVOTION, MY CAPACITY to DO things right ... whereas what Jesus meant by saying that...