A God who remembers...!

...and the Lord remembered Hannah. 1 Samuel 1:19 We all have hundreds of things that We ask the Lord for, but it seems like some prayers are forever kept unanswered! Oftentimes it feels like such prayers are not even heard or have been forgotten through the years. In the bible we read the story of Hannah, who experienced something similar! Hannah was married to Elkanah but couldn´t bear children for she was barren. Hannah had an amazing marriage. Her husband was very good to her, but regardless of how blessed she was in that area of her life, she truly desired a child of her own! Delight yourself in the Lord, And He will give you the desires and petitions of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (AMP) Most of us, when our wishes don´t seem to come to pass, we go to friends, we cry, we complain, we talk about our frustration...and there is nothing really wrong about that! Hannah did the same! She would go to her husband and tell him how frustrated she was abou...