The reward of trusting God...

And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families of their own. Exodus 1:21 Sometimes it seems like that the things we desire most are given to others and we are kept standing in line, waiting and waiting. It always seems like our neighbor has that which we wanted, that their lives are better than ours in this or that way. But we should keep in mind that those who wait upon the Lord and trust him will never be left out of His wonderful goodness! The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. Lamentations 3:25 The book of Exodus tells us the story of two midwives employed by pharaoh to help women give birth to their babies. For what the bible says, it is likely that these women were single and didn´t have a family of their own yet. They were commanded by pharaoh to kill every male baby born from the hebrew women . But it is written that they FEARED GOD and didn´t not obey pharaoh. The eye ...