How to be blessed in ALL things...

...and the Lord had blessed Abraham in ALL things.

Gen 24:1

One of the names of God is the Lord ALmighty. What should we expect from a God who is all mighty? You name it! Fullness is the essence of God. We won´t hear about anything that He has started and hasn´t finished. That is exactly what Jesus did and cried out on the cross: IT IS FINISHED! ... it is completed! He finished it ALL! 

I will cry to God Most High,
Who accomplishes all things on my behalf 
[for He completes my purpose in His plan].
Psalm 57:2 (AMP)

Most of time we feel like we are half way from being sucessful, satisfied, blessed in life. There is this uncomfortable feeling of "there is always a missing piece". We need to remember that our God is a God of -ALL-. We are not supposed to have things working great for us in our families as we have troubles at our job or health, for example. God wants us to live out his blessings in full: to experience his favor upon ALL things! He is fully in charge of completing His plan for our lives- which means being richly blessed! This is what occupies His mind! And as we experience his love and favor, it is impossible for us not to love Him back (for He has loved us first and the first step of everything in our lives will always be his!)

“I know that You can do all things,
And that no thought or purpose of Yours 
can be restrained."
Job 42:2 (AMP)

This is what we see in Abraham´s story. At the end of his life he could declare that the Lord had blessed him in ALL things. Abraham´s part in this play was simply to make his ears attentive to the voice of the Lord along his life journey. This is the only thing required from us in order to have our requests fully answered and to be FULLY BLESSED: to hear His voice! God is always speaking. He will speak not only during prayer time or his Word, but also through nature and people around us! 

All these blessings will come upon you 
and overtake you 
if you pay attention 
to the voice of the Lord your God.
Deut. 28:2

The fact that Abraham was blessed in ALL things doesn´t mean that he didn´t go through hardships. Famine overcame the land he was dwelling. His wife Sarah was barren and couldn´t (apparently) fulfill God´s promise about making Abraham a father of multitudes! But we can say we are FULLY blessed when we see DIFFERENT OUTCOMES happen in our lives than what we see in other people´s lives!

Not one of ALL the Lord’s good promises 
to Israel failed; 
EVERY ONE was fulfilled. 
Joshua 21:45

God healed Sarah´s barreness. God made Abraham very rich despite the famine over the land. We can see that God is definitely the main character in this story! He is actually the Author of our story! It is not by our strength nor by our own power but by HIS GLORIOUS POWER! Therefore we shouldn´t expect anything but a very glorious end no matter if we face diseases or shortage of any sort!

He forgives ALL your sins
    and heals ALL your diseases...
Psalm 103:3 

The righteous person may have many troubles,

    but the Lord delivers him from them ALL.
Psalm 34:19

AGAIN: we need to keep in mind that God is not limited. We are limited. Our knowledge, strength, resources might be limited for a time. But our Father in heaven who deeply loves and cares for us is LIMITLESS. And it is He who strenghtens our arms for the battle and causes us to prospers in ALL things. 

I can do ALL things 

through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Phil 4:13

He didn´t send us to this world to live a half-sucessful life. It is the Father´s joy to see his children reflect his own success! May we expect ALL his blessings to follow and overtake us. If the Lord God ALmighty is FOR us, who could be against us? We are on the victorious side! 




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