
Showing posts from April, 2018

People don´t have the power to ruin your life!

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places;  yea, I have a goodly heritage. Psalm 16:6 Here is an allusion to the ancient division of the land by casting lots among the Israelites. God instructed them to cast lots so that they would get to know His will for a given situation.  I keep my eyes always on the Lord.     With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:8 No matter HOW things turn out for us, we should never fear that people could take advantage or harm us! We need to trust that God is working behind the scenes of everything that happens in our lives! Let´s say we are hoping for a promotion at our workplace but it ends up going to someone else. There are 2 truths here: 1) God´s goodness reaches every man, for this is his NATURE! It is about who He is and not about who is getting the promotion; 2) whatever He has designed to be ours cannot be plucked out of his hands - it WILL find its destination! So, eve...

Is it true that there is a right timing for every thing?

"My times are in your hands;     deliver me from the hands of my enemies,     from those who pursue me." Psalm 31:15 Whenever something doesn´t go the way we wished, we try to comfort ourselves or others around us by quoting Ecc 3:1 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven".  While that saying is proper and true, it shouldn´t be an excuse for us for being timid before God and his promises, knowing that He actually owns times and seasons!   Jesus replied,  “My hour has not yet come." John 2:4 The bible tells us about the first miracle performed by Jesus. At that occasion, his mom told him that they had ran out of wine; Jesus replied that his hour had not come yet. Curiously, it seems that Jesus actually changed his mind 3 verses later: Jesus said to the servants,  “Fill the jars with water” John 2:7 Jesus doesn´t depend on the RIGHT TIME or SEASON to act! He i...
