Victory over things meant to destroy you....
God was with Joshua.
He became famous all over the land.
Joshua 6:27
Every person faces situations that are big challenges in their lives. But we are usually not aware that those things which were meant to destroy our lives are the very things which will promote us. We are spiritual beings, therefore our fight is not against things or people (Ephesians 6:12). There is an invisible battle constantly going on that tries to stop us and keep us from living the amazing life God has planned for us. Most of time our Opponent will try to trouble us with things that God meant to bring glory to our lives.
When Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen went into the sea, the Lord brought the waters of the sea back over them, but the Israelites walked through the sea on dry ground.
Exodus 15:19
The walls in Jericho were not meant to stop Joshua from advancing towards the promised land, they were there rather to promote him. The red sea before Moses was not meant to kill him, but to display the power of God. The giant Goliath was God´s trampoline towards David´s success! The very thing that was meant to kill God´s children ended up destroying their enemies!
They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.”
Galatians 1:23
Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because
I acted in ignorance and unbelief.
1 Timothy 1:13
That means that many of our struggles today will actually be turned into things that we will eventually master them. Things that seem to overwhelm us, they are the things we will be ruling over them. That is exactly what happened will the apostle Paul who was a former persecutor of the church. He had no love for it. He hated it. He didn´t understand it. Most of the time we act out of ignorance and God takes that into account - He doesn´t count us as guilty for such things! We normally don´t see the big picture and we won´t act differently UNTIL Jesus reveals Himself to us in that situation. That was what happened to Paul. His whole life was changed once Jesus encountered him. It was not Paul who encounted Jesus. It is not the mouse that reaches out for the cat, but it is the cat that will always reach out for the mouse. God will always find us. But unlike the cat and the mouse, Jesus desires to reach us in order to give us a kingdom, to rule over things of this life. We are destined to reign - in this life and not only in the life to come (Romans 5:17)!
But when God, who had chosen me and set me apart before I was born, and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him...
Galatians 1:15
So a good prayer for the following year of 2018 is to ask Jesus to reveal Himself to us, in every circumstance... and we will see our triumph over every challenge set before us!
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