Accomplishing more even when you don´t have all you need!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
Psalm 23:1

If we look closely to our lives we will realize that we don´t have everything we need to accomplish the things we want! People spend years of their lives wishing that they would see things in a different way, with good eyes; in their minds, the reason for not succeeding in certain areas of their lives is this lack of vision. 

Sacrifice and offering you did not desire
    but my ears you have opened 
Psalm 40:6

Last week I read an article about an English blind man who has travelled to over 100 countries totally by himself. Most of us would feel limited by such disability and would use it as the great excuse for not enjoying life as we wished. Well, this guy says that it does take him much longer to get to places and to get around there if compared to other people. The fact is that he has probably experienced much more than all of us did inspite of all his limitations. In the article, this guy describes how amazing it is to go to spice markets and learn the country by what he smells; the sound of each culture; the texture of the walls... he may not be able to SEE, but the Lord enabled him to use all other senses in their full capacity! 

Saul (Paul) got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus.
Acts 9:8

Jesus wants us to depend fully on Him, instead of any ability we may have. Paul also experienced this! Jesus wanted to teach him to hear his SPIRIT over what his eyes could see... no wonder Paul spent 3 days blind after he had an encounter with Jesus. We need to  learn to hear Jesus over what we SEE.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
the evidence of things not seen. 
Hebrews 11:1

That is faith´s foundation! When Peter walked on the waters, he also experienced the power of following what he first heard (Jesus saying "come") and the tragedy of fixing his eyes on circumstances around him (the strong wind). We need to be constantly aware of God´s words and promises to our lives! They will keep us from sinking. Keep them in mind and you will see your faith rise up like never before!

 So then faith cometh by hearing, 
and hearing by the word of God. 
Romans 10:17




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