Back to the original plan...

And I will restore to you 
the years that the locust hath eaten…
Joel 2:25

Everything God makes is perfect: either in a sense of lacking no thing as well in a sense of being full of excellence. God made a perfect environment for man to live and God designed man to live an amazing life. It was never his plan to make life a wheel of suffering, struggle and pain for man!

Man´s problems began when he decided not to keep God involved in his daily activities no more. That was the beginning of his downfall. But nothing catches God in surprise. Some people may already be planning things for 2018 and they may be afraid of how things will turn out, but we need to keep in mind that God has already been to 2018 (2019, 2020….2059…) and He is the one who grants us good success in the years to come! He has already been to 2018 and he assures it will be awesome!

It is God´s desire to restore all things to the original plan, just like in the garden of Eden at the very beginning, where there was no death, no sorrow, no lack, no fear… but joy, freedom, peace, confidence, full assurance of his goodness and love! He doesn´t only want to cause us to simply live better. He desires the BEST for us. 

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me...
Psalm 138:8

As years go by, that which was new becomes old. But the scripture says that God will restore the YEARS, and by restoring the years, all the damage caused during this time shall be taken away as well! 

Whenever man restores things, they are never like the original again. Think about fixing your car or your clothes! But whatever God touches in order to restore, the final result will be something NEW AGAIN …PLUS it will be always much better than it was: in quantity or quality! 

So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more 
than his beginning...
Job 42:12

Take a look a Job´s life: he lost his wealth, his family, his health but once God restored them, it was much more and much better than what he had originally!

But this is a people robbed and spoiled, 
(...) and none says, Restore. 
Isaiah 42:2

Our role is to claim: restore! We need to declare it over our finances, relationships, health, family and God himself will do it! Believe his goodness and how that He wants to make all things new in your life again!

 ...old things are passed away; 
behold, all things are become new. 
2 Corinthians 5:17




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