Got a weakness?

Romans 8:26
Every now and then there are situations that come along our lives that we feel like we have no power over them. Most of the time we see this fact as something negative, but God teaches us otherwise.
for “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13
It is that simple. "Jesus" is the Greek form of Joshua, which means "Yahweh saves" or "The Lord is salvation". We normally think of "being saved" when it comes to eternal damnation, but the original word used here is sozo, which means "to be delivered out of danger (any danger) into safety; used principally of God rescuing from destruction (any sort of it) into His provisions (divine safety).
That means that Jesus is our savior also when it comes to feelings and mundane circumstances of life that -at that very moment- are stronger than us. He will save us in such times of trouble as well!
Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need; rescue me from those who pursue me, for they are too strong for me.
Psalm 142:6
The key to be rescued is to call upon His name: Jesus. Say it out aloud! That simple. At that very moment the Holy Spirit will begin to strengthen our spirit as promised in Romans 8:26, which says that He will help us in our weakness.
The original word for help here means properly, to give assistance with full initiative because closely-identified – supplying help that exactly corresponds to the need. Notice that there is a high personal interest motivating giving the help.
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
The Holy Spirit is always near (in us!) and most importantly: is always READY and ABLE to help us in times of need, no matter the need! He doesn´t care if it is a "relevant" need or not (in the eyes of people). If it concerns to us and if troubles us, He cares and He is willing to help us. He will save us. He is GOOD at this. This is not only what He does best but who He actually is!

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