Being Jesus´ partner!

Looking at them, Jesus said, 
“With people [as far as it depends on them] it is impossible, 
but not with God; for all things are possible with God.”
Mark 10:27 (AMP)

When we look around we can see people willing to do ANYTHING in order to experience something that will impact their lives in a significant and permanent way. That is not something new in human race´s history. 2000 years ago there was a young man that approached Jesus with the question: "what must I -do- get eternal life"? We are taught that if we want something, we must DESERVE IT, we must DO something in order to GET something back. So when it comes to spiritual things, we tend to transfer such mindset to our relationship with God. Mind you, though, God is not like men, neither thinks like us! His thoughts are much higher than ours and he has such a giving heart that doesn´t give according to our worthiness or works. 

Even in serving the Lord we tend to think that in order to please Him we -need to do- something for him. But we can only give what we have received and we won´t be able to give him back anything that we haven´t first RECEIVED ourselves! 

The story of this young man in the bible shows us a person willing to DO anything for God. He spent his whole life DOING things because he sincerely thought THAT was what the Lord desired from him. The thing is: he had always relied on his self-discipline and self-efforts to do things to please God. But our performance will never be able to fully grant us everything our hearts long for. 

When we look at our own capacity to accomplish things, we will always come to a place where we LACK this ONE THING that WE can´t MAKE it. That is where Jesus comes in. When Jesus asked that man to sell everything he owned and give to the poor, the man came to a point where HIS SELF WILL couldn´t make it. Jesus never meant that he wanted this man poor, but he desired to take him to a point where his confidence would be laid fully on Jesus, even to accomplish such a HARD request. 

Jesus sees the longings of our hearts and our TRUE desire to be close to him and to please him. But even in accomplishing so, he wants to be PART of this and help us. He sees our struggles and how it bothers us when we do things that we wish we didn´t do or when we wish we did things that we actually don´t desire to do. He wants us to fully surrender to him and know that when we come to this point where we CAN´T MAKE IT, where it is IMPOSSIBLE for us, he declares over us: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE *WITH* GOD. We know that all things are possible FOR God, but we wants us to know that *with* God everything becomes possible. He doesn´t want us to do things BY OURSELVES, but to conquer every mountain that seems too high for us THROUGH THE POWER that enables us as we rely on Jesus and His Spirit within us. That is why Paul would say:

"I can do all things through Christ 
which strengtheneth me." 
Phil 4:13

Jesus is the strength we need to conquer the hard and even the ordinary things in life. For He has already conquered ALL THINGS FOR US, we simply need to receive it from HIS HANDS. We are partners in this life! It is not a solitary game!;)

‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you;
Do not be afraid, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].’
Isaiah 41:10




  1. Wow, you are great dear. Wonderful illumination...
    Let me have your email so I contact you.

    1. hi elorm! I´m glad this blog has blessed you in some way!! :) you can contact me thru the CONTACT FORM located on your left! God bless


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