You are a Child of God!

"So you are no longer a slave, but God´s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir" Galatians 4:7 Every human being has born with this desire of being someone important, someone great, someone who is sincerely loved. We spend our lives doing things in order to achieve other things, or positions, that will satisfy such longing within. We desire to be a "great man/woman" in this world, in society, at our jobs, or even just in our class at school. But the most significant position we can ever reach doesn´t depend on how hard I work. Have you ever asked God how He sees you? What does HE say you are or what are HIS THOUGHTS about you? I highly recommend you to ask Him this life-changing question! I assure you that you will hear the BEST things you ever heard, for HE FORMED AND CREATED YOU, and no matter how hard we "try" to mess up our lives, He will always have good thoughts and plans for us since we ...