All we need is already within us...

"... and you will be a blessing." 
Genesis 12:2

God made a promise to Abram: He would make him a great nation and bless him; He would make his name great and Abram would be a blessing. 

Abram was already a prosperous man when He heard the Lord´s voice and obeyed his instructions. But even when things are going well in our lives, there is always room for them to get EVEN BETTER! That was the case with Abram! Things were going well, but whatever the Lord speaks over, it WILL get so much better! 

Now the point is: once our lives are touched by God, the natural result is: BLESSED! and once we are blessed, it will be NATURAL to be a BLESSING. The Amplied bible speaks of blessing as a source of great good to others. 

We cannot become that which is not potencially in us already. For example, an apple tree could never bear apples if that wasn´t potencially IN IT already! Even though there are times when we won´t see a single apple on the tree, that doesn´t mean it ISN´T AN APPLE TREE. We must keep in mind that there are times of maturing and even when the tree is READY to bear fruit, fruit won´t be seen ALL FOUR SEASONS of the year! 

The bible says that CHRIST IN US IS THE HOPE OF GLORY (Col 1 :27), so even though we may look at ourselves and not SEE much outward TRANSFORMATION (behavior changes), we should be sure that we HAVE ALL GOOD potencially INSIDE OF US for Jesus is the source of ALL GOOD and He dwells in us! Our identity is settled, our identity is SURE! We are BRANCHES of the GOOD & TRUE VINE and it is the VINE (Jesus) who takes responsibility for the fruit bearing! 

 "For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, though the living and enduring word of God." 
1 Peter 1:23

Therefore, you ARE a blessing! You are a source of blessing to others! Everything Jesus touches prospers for the blessed seed is INSIDE of any one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God! 





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