2017: Happy NEW year! Happy NEW you!

"See, I am doing a new thing! 
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? 
I am making a way in the wilderness 
and streams in the wasteland" 
Isaiah 43:19

In a couple of days 2016 will be ending and a NEW YEAR is coming. For many people, shifting years has no special meaning, but just like shifting SEASONS has an external consequence (leaves fall, flowers bloom, etc.), when years shift, we should be aware and be ready for SOME NEW SEASON in our lives as well.

The neat thing is all our life, all our days are already prepared before we even live any of them! Psalm 139:16 says  "all the days ordained for me were written in your book before any one of them came to be". 

That means: God knows EVERYTHING that is going to happen in 2017 in your life! And He says that He has GOOD PLANS for you (Jer 29:11)! So a smart way to start off this next year is simply asking the Lord about His plans for you. He knows everything and it is his desire that we may live ALL THE GOOD (NEW) THINGS He has ahead for us! 

The year 2017 will be a year of ACCOMPLISHMENTS; of CHANGES, for the LORD will cause NEW THINGS to SPRING UP in our lives. All through the bible numbers have specific meanings. The number 17 in the bible symbolizes "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory": God overcame the sins of humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the 17th day of the second Hebrew month. Jesus gained a complete victory over death and the grave when God resurrected him near sunset on the 17th of the month of Nisan (April).

So get ready for NEW THINGS. If through the past years you have struggled with enemies (addictions, illnesses, finantial and relationship issues), BE CONFIDENT that Jesus has overcome ALL these enemies and conquered FULL VICTORY so that WHOEVER BELIEVES may live a life of peace, prosperity, health and joy! Welcome changes in your life! These changes concerne not only EXTERNAL THINGS, but also things INSIDE OF YOU... causing you to live confident and see things from a different perspective. CHANGES are coming. Inside and out! Expect them to happen! For Jesus is faithful and will surprise you by making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland!

simply believe it!

Happy NEW YOU in this NEW YEAR!





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