Feeding on the TRUTH
"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name,
O LORD, God of hosts" Jer 15:16
Sometimes we find ourselves lacking joy, peace, love in our lives... these elements are for our souls what vitamins are for our body. Whenever we lack some type of vitamin in our body, we need to put it IN our body somehow... either through pills or food! The same thing happens to our soul! Whenever we feel like there is something LACKING within... we can always go to our SOURCE, the WORD OF GOD and EAT HIS WORDS for us for they are SPIRIT & LIFE. Jesus said:
"...the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit,
and they are life." John 6:63
We need to remind ourselves WHO we are IN HIM and WHO He is. We ARE called by His name, that means: we are His possession and there is nothing more beautiful and powerful than to belong to the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE and KING OF ALL. There is nothing He doesn´t have dominion over!
In Hebrew, the verb to be called (Original Word: קָרָא Transliteration: qara) has one of its meaning: to become famous! We are not the tail, we are the HEAD for we are called by His name, Jesus who rules over all things!
THIS is THE TRUTH ABOUT US, no matter what our REALITY shows us!
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