One of the greatest weapons of the enemy of God is to try to deceive God´s children by causing them to focus on their REALITY rather than the TRUTH behind the reality for "what is true about us is not necessarily THE TRUTH about us" (Christa Black). The greek word for TRUTH in the new testment is aletheia, which means divine truth revealed to men; reality. Aletheia in ancienty greek was synomynus for reality as opposite of ilusion. This reality talks about HEAVEN´S perspective of things. We are spiritual beings and our reality is also SPIRITUAL ( = TRUTH). We can´t understand God and therefore worship Him as we were created to until we let TRUTH enter every area of our hearts. What we see before us is not the TRUTH, HIS truth, about us. That is the role of the Holy Spirit within us, to guide us unto this TRUTH- and He never fails to do His job . My success in living the will of God and His truth to my life is not dependent of my own efforts, but on His effectivi...