
Showing posts from June, 2017

Being a living magnet: attracting good things...

Surely goodness and mercy  shall follow me all the days of my life...  Psalm 23:6 One of the greatest issues in our hearts is doubting. It is like we KNOW in a way that God is good and He blesses us in many ways but we usually see it as a matter of SEASONS. There are seasons when we are happy, healthy, blessed... others not so! and this causes us not to be so SURE that things will be alright all the time .  But king David, even after facing great hardships (riots, persecution, betrayals), he would NOURISH one THOUGHT in his heart: THE ASSURANCE that God´s goodness and love would follow him ALL THE DAYS of his life. The only weapon against doubt is assurance. So we can always fight doubts in our hearts by simply declaring "SURELY his goodness and mercy will follow me"... We also see the prophet Isaiah teaching us such truth concerning our health (physical and emotional):  -Surely- he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows... (Isaiah...

When things don´t turn out your way...

 "Surely goodness and mercy  s hall follow me all the days of my life..." Psalm 23:6 One of the greatest issues in our hearts is doubting. It is like we KNOW in a way that God is good and He blesses us in many ways but we usually see it as a matter of SEASONS. There are seasons when we are happy, healthy, blessed... others not so! and this causes us not to be so SURE that things will be alright all the time .  But king David, even after facing great hardships (riots, persecution, betrayals), he would NOURISH one THOUGHT in his heart: THE ASSURANCE that God´s goodness and love would follow him ALL THE DAYS of his life. The only weapon against doubt is assurance. So we can always fight doubts in our hearts by simply declaring "SURELY his goodness and mercy will follow me"... We also see the prophet Isaiah teaching us such truth concerning our health (physical and emotional):  -Surely- he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows... (I...

Jesus wants it!

Jesus reached out His hand and touched him, saying,  “I am willing; be cleansed.”  Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.  Matthew 8:3 Sometimes I have the feeling that we live in a constant bargain with God as if we thought that his main goal was to make things not so easy for us here on earth. It is as if we were always struggling in order to cause God to bless us in a certain way that we wanted. It is as if we wanted some things and we had to persuade God about giving us the desire of our hearts.  But the passage above shows us a different scenario. It is the story of a man who suffered from leprosy and one day he approached Jesus with a request... “Master, if you want to, you can heal my body.” (Matt 8:2)  Like this man, many times we will come to God pondering in our hearts: is He really willing to do this for me?   "And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all."  ...

No evil can stand before you!

“The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way, but flee before you seven ways."  Deuteronomy 28:7 The devil has mission in this world: to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10:10). He knows that each of us was created in God´s image and by messing with us he intends to attack God. He knows that God has designed us to live a life full of glory and joy and he will try his best for us not to experience that type of life. This is his job. That is exactly what he tried to do in Job´s life. He killed his children, took away his riches, he caused Job to suffer physically through diseases, and emotionally by not finding support in his wife and friends when he needed most. All that resulted in a inner war in which Job started to doubt God´s goodness and lose sight of his former peace with Him.  This is the devil´s final goal! To cause us to doubt God´s goodness and have our peace and t...

Taking up your cross... what does it really mean?

"(...) take up your cross daily,  and follow me."  Luke 9:23 I have always heard sermons on this passage and always felt the weight of such responsability. It didn´t sound really fun to DENY MYSELF (you can read the last post on this topic) and TO TAKE UP MY CROSS in order to follow Jesus. The problem here is: we have always seen the cross as a token OF PUNISHMENT, SUFFERING, PAIN, HEAVY BURDEN... and the list goes on! People who face hard relationships in their family or at work will say "that person is my cross" meaning they have to put up with this person, carry this heavy burden and accept that for their lives, after all "everyone has a cross" and we must "take up our cross"... Ok, but that is NOT what the cross really means! The truth about the cross and taking up our cross is far better than THAT!  "Having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us;  ...
